CellSpace Resources
Source Information
Website: Great visual overview at Scientific American
Review Article: Brief Review on COVID-19
Ultrastructural studies using cryoEM
Scientific Preprint: Molecular Architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Respiratory droplets
Review Article: COVID-19: A Call for Physical Scientists and Engineers
Review Article: Soft Matter Science and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Scientific Article: Physico-chemical Characteristics of Evaporating Respiratory Fluid Droplets
Structural Resources
Database: Overview of structures and other materials at the RCSB PDB
Database: Protein sequence information at UniProt
Models: Structural models of all proteins encoded by the SARS-CoV-2 genome from the Zhang laboratory
Recent Goodsell Publications about SciArt
Integrative Illustration for Coronavirus Outreach
Integrative Illustration for Coronavirus Outreach — supporting information
Art and Science of the Cellular Mesoscale
Illustrate: Software for Biomolecular Illustration
From Atoms to Cells: Using Mesoscale Landscapes to Construct Visual Narratives
Molecular Illustration in Research and Education: Past, Present, and Future
Resources about color
there are many great options for molecular graphics–here are the ones that I use:
Jmol (my favorite lightweight viewer–I use the little Jmol.jar stand-alone application for *everything*)
Mol* (the default viewer at the RCSB Protein Data Bank–lots of interesting options)
ChimeraX (this molecular graphics powerhouse will do just about anything you want to do)
Illustrate (my non-photorealistic rendering method for molecules–beware, only a very basic user interface!)
CellPAINT (our paint program for cellular landscapes–still very actively under development)